Tag: courgette

Shakshuka, Middle Eastern ratatouille with eggs
Breakfast / Brunch, Courgettes, Easy dishes, Main Dish, Middle East, Sauces, Side dishes, Single dish, Summer recipes, Vegetables, Vegetarian & vegan dishes

Middle Eastern ratatouille with eggs, Shakshuka

The shakshuka, a Middle Eastern ratatouille with eggs, is a simple and quick recipe to prepare. The shakshuka original recipe is made with red peppers and tomatoes, and I like to add some courgettes. For seasoning, I use Ras el hanout, a mix of spices from Morocco, paprika and cinnamon, but you can also use cumin, […]

Calabacin con Nata y Lemon
Christmas meal, Courgettes, Easy dishes, France, Side dishes, Summer recipes, Vegetables, Vegetarian & vegan dishes

Courgettes with lemon and cream

If you are looking for a fast and simple vegetable side dish, you are going to love the courgettes with lemon and cream! The preparation is very easy and requires only a few ingredients: courgettes, lemon, cream and dried herbs to flavour. Also if you want to make this recipe more fashionable for a dinner […]

Lasaña de calabacin, sin pasta
Courgettes, Gratins, Italy, Pasta, Side dishes, Single dish, Summer recipes, Uncategorized, Vegetables, Vegetarian & vegan dishes, Winter recipes

No pasta courgette lasagne

Eating more vegetables and less meat, as well as enjoying good food, is what I am looking for in my day to day diet. So I am always trying to find new original recipes with vegetables, that are easy to make even for people who do not like vegetables so much. There are many classics […]

Roast chicken with Mediterranean vegetables
Chicken, Christmas meal, Courgettes, Easy dishes, Easy to prepare, France, Grilled, Main Dish, Potatoes, Single dish, Summer recipes, Winter recipes

Roast chicken with Mediterranean vegetables

Roast chicken is the typical family meal which is made when the whole family or good friends are gathered together. Served with vegetables cooked in the sauce or boiled, I like giving a little bit of a twist by adding some lemon, aromatic herbs such as thyme or sage, and a little ginger and couscous […]

Spanish chorizo and chickpea stew
Easy dishes, Potatoes, Spain, Stews, Winter recipes

Spanish chorizo and chickpea stew

My most recent summer holidays was in Asturias, a region of North Western Spain famous for its beautiful landscape and great food, and on several occasions we enjoyed one of the traditional dishes over there, the Asturian poté. This Asturian stew is made with typical regional ingredients such as the the collard greens, a cabbage called “Berza”a […]

Meatball gratin with courgettes & mozzarella
Beef, Courgettes, Gratins, Greece, Lamb, Single dish, Summer recipes, Vegetables

Meatball gratin with courgettes & mozzarella

I am a huge fan of gratins for their variety of tastes and their simplicity to make. For summer I found a lighter way to replace the traditional recipe with béchamel sauce by a combination of vegetables, mozzarella and Meatball gratin which is clearly more enjoyable when the temperature outside is 100º F (35ºC). This gratin […]

Baked chicken thighs with chorizo and orange
Chicken, Christmas meal, Courgettes, Easy dishes, Easy to prepare, Grilled, Single dish, Spain, Summer recipes, Vegetables

Baked chicken legs with chorizo and orange

Now that the hot weather is almost back, grilled recipes are ideal for a lunch or a dinner: they are tasty, fast and easy-to-cook, and becomes a classic meal for the summer, that you can vary with ad infinitum. I am starting the “Grilled” section today with a recipe originating from the south of Spain: […]

Oven roasted Mediterranean vegetables
Appetizers, Courgettes, Easy dishes, Easy to prepare, France, Grilled, Pasta, Side dishes, Summer recipes, Vegetables, Vegetarian & vegan dishes

Oven roasted Mediterranean vegetables

A nice and easy way to cook a side dish with vegetables with a grilled meat or a Spanish omelette. This vegetable recipe is also perfect if you want a quick dinner, it requires just a few minutes to cut and season the vegetables, then you cook them very slowly in the oven for 45 […]

Spanish vegetable stew
Courgettes, Side dishes, Spain, Summer recipes, Vegetables, Vegetarian & vegan dishes, Winter recipes

Spanish vegetable stew

This Spanish vegetable stew is a Spanish recipe that looks a little bit like a  French ratatouille, a sautéed vegetable dish typical from the Mediterranean area, South of France. In this recipe you need to use Ñora pepper, a kind of dry pepper that is found easily in Spain. It´s used widely in Valencia and Murcia, where I saw […]