The creamy beef stew, “blanquette de veau” in French, is my favourite traditional French meal. My granny -the same granny who makes the lemon pie, used to do it each week when I was visiting during my childhood, and I remember its wonderful taste until nowadays. It is a kind meat ragout with a white cream and flour sauce. Usually made with veal, you can either make it with poultry or pork.
There are lots of different ways to do tha blanquette, but I like this recipe because there are a lot of vegetables instead.
I like it because:
- it’s one of the easiest recipes I have ever done.
- You can eat it with rice or potatoes.
- Since veal isn’t common in Spain, and since over the years I’ve become a little uneasy about eating this meat, I’ve started cooking this with chicken instead. The only difference is the time of cooking, 45 minutes instead of 1h30.
- Cook the blanquette one day in advance and let it rest one night in the fridge. It tastes even better the day after once the flavour sets in !!!
- 1 onion
- 4 cloves
- 1 bouquet garni (buy it already done or use two thyme branches and 2 bay leaf)
- 4 carrots
- 1,1 lb (500g) mushrooms
- 2 celery stalks, to give taste to the sauce
- Oil and butter for the pot
- 2,2 lb (1kg) veal or poultry, cut into medium pieces
- 2/5 US cup (100 ml) white wine
- Salt, fresh grounded pepper and coriander and any other seasoning you like
- 2 vegetable or spice broth cube
- 3 tbsp (40g) butter
- 1/3 US cup (40g) flour
- 3/4 US cup (200 ml) of heavy cream
- Peel and thinly slice the carrots and the mushrooms
- Peel the onion and put the cloves in it
- Add the butter, a bit of oil in the pot, and when it’s hot (the butter is starting to bubble), add the pieces of meat and stir for about 5 minutes, the time for all of them to get browned on all sides. Add salt, pepper, coriander in powder ... At the end you can deglaze with a bit of white wine
- Add all the vegetables you prepared before in the pot, the celery stacks, 2 flavor cubes, the bouquet garni and cover with boiled water.
- Now you just have to cover and let it cook very slowly for around 1h30 or 45 minutes if it is chicken.
- After this, add the 40g of butter in a small pot, melt it and when it is hot, add the flour (same volume as butter) and mix. Once it make a paste, add a bit of the stock in it and mix.
- Put it back in the big pot, add the cream and let cook 10 more minutes. Then it’s ready
This stew can be served with rice or potatoes.
Bon appétit!