How to cook cauliflower! In order to change of the traditional cauliflower soup or roasted cauliflower, you can also make a great cauliflower gratin, quick-and-easy to prepare. Also perfect for children or lovers who wouldn’t eat this kind of vegetable except under pressure or deep hunger, because the vegetables are mashed.
I like it because:
- The taste of cauliflower mixed with the ham and cream is softer.
- The colour scheme, green chard, pink ham and light yellow cheese, makes the gratin look like a sweet cake.

- You can eat the gratin with a salad or as a side dish for a meat.
- The crushed vegetables tend to make the gratin a bit liquid so it is better to use heavy cream for the mix. Also try to cook the gratin one day before so that it can spend a night in the fridge.
- Use a tasty grated cheese to increase the flavour of the gratin: comté, cheddar …
- 1 entire cauliflower
- 1 1/2 US cup (100g) chards, leaves and central part
- 1 vegetable or spices cube broth
- 4 slices of ham
- 3/4 US cup (200ml) heavy cream
- 1 1/2 US cup (150g) grated cheese (emmental, comté, cheddar …)
- 1 tbsp grainy mustard
- Pepper, salt, cilantro and any other seasoning you usually use.
Surprising ham, chard and cauliflower gratin recipe
- Heat a large pot of water.
- At the same time cut and clean the cauliflower and the chards.
- When the water boils, throw the vegetables and broth cube in the pot and simmer for about 15 minutes without covering the pot. During this time pre-heat the oven to 180º and cut the ham into small pieces.
- Drain the vegetables, put them into a large bowl and mix them with a mixer.
- Add 9/10 of the cream, 3/4 of the cheese, the ham, mustard and seasoning to the mixture, and mix well with a large spoon.
- Pour the mixture into the gratin dish, cover with the remaining cheese and cream, and bake 15 minutes in the oven, plus 5 minutes under the grill.
Serve it very hot.
Bon appétit!