Tag: Typical thai food

Coconut milk pot roast chicken
Chicken, Easy dishes, Easy to prepare, Main Dish, Single dish, Summer recipes, Thailand

Coconut milk roast chicken pot

One-pot easy recipe! Light and atypical, this  coconut milk roast chicken pot recipe will definitely seduce those in search of a new food experience thanks to the Asian ingredients. With its coconut milk, fresh coriander, lemongrass and lime sauce, this easy roast chicken recipe is a pure delight of sweet and lemony flavours. How to make […]

Easy vegan tofu and coconut curry
Courgettes, Easy dishes, Easy to prepare, Main Dish, Rice, Summer recipes, Thailand, Vegetables, Vegetarian & vegan dishes, Winter recipes

Easy vegan tofu and vegetable curry

I am thrilled to introduce my first vegan recipe, a vegan tofu and vegetable curry!! I first tried this recipe last year, just after coming back from a summer holiday in Mexico. My darling and I happily enjoyed tacos and other delicious Mexican dishes such as the carnitas over a few weeks. A decision was […]